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Treatments We offer

Atlanta’s Leading Psychiatrist for Addiction Support

Supportive Therapy for Addiction Treatment

Addiction comes in many forms. People develop dependencies for a variety of reasons, and fully recovering from addictive behaviors requires the proper amount of support. Ignoring an addiction can have extreme consequences and lead to life altering issues including job loss, incarceration and severely damaged personal relationships. In some cases, physical illness, overdose and even death can result. 

If you’ve decided to take the step toward addiction recovery, it’s important for you and those you love to have an experienced psychiatrist to turn to who can help you overcome your struggles. Dr. Tumeh and the friendly, knowledgeable team at Foundation Psychiatry proudly provide support to those who are in recovery, as well as to the families, friends, and support systems who are affected by addiction. 


Ketamine Infusion Treatments for Depression

Ketamine Infusion Therapy

Some people suffer from debilitating clinical depression and post-traumatic stress despite years of traditional treatments. Research suggests that ketamine therapy can help. At Foundation Psychiatry, we strive to provide the highest quality care for clients who are suffering from chronic depression and anxiety, including innovative treatments like ketamine therapy. 

Ketamine begins to work rapidly in the brain, making it ideal for someone with suicidal thoughts or violent tendencies. The fast acting approach is an exciting innovation in the field of mental health for patients suffering from extreme mental illness that have otherwise been entirely out of options. 
 We are highly qualified and experienced in providing ketamine therapy to patients, and many have seen results they never thought they could experience following their treatment.


Brain Stimulation Therapy

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

While many people who struggle with clinical depression can find relief with typical medications, others have become resistant and find no changes even after years of pharmacological treatemnt. Thankfully, recent advancements in neuroscience and technology have introduced a new method for treating mood disorders that can offer relief from treatment-resistant depression without the need for an invasive procedure.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS, is clinically proven to improve the condition of those suffering from a variety of mental illnesses and mood disorders. Do you feel like you could benefit from TMS therapy for depression treatment? Schedule your first consultation with Foundation Psychiatry. Dr. Tumeh and his team of specialists are experienced in providing Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to patients across the Atlanta area, and we’ll gladly discuss your candidacy with you.


Atlanta’s Top Depression Treatment Center

SPRAVATO Treatment

Have you been suffering from severe depression for years, despite trying various medications? Then you may be suffering from a condition known as treatment-resistant depression. If so, SPRAVATO might help relieve some of your symptoms. SPRAVATOo, also known as esketamine, is a nasal spray that is administered by a medical professional at approved Spravato clinics throughout the United States. 

At Foundation Psychiatry, we strive to provide innovative, proven methods of therapy for individuals suffering from depression, including SPRAVATO. If you’d like to discuss your candidacy for SPRAVATO, ask any questions, or schedule your first consultative appointment, please reach out to us.


Find Compassionate Psychotherapy


Psychotherapy is a method of treatment for those suffering from both short term and long term mental and emotional issues. Rather than using medication – or in conjunction with their prescription – a patient undergoing psychotherapy relies on a series of therapy sessions where they can discuss their problems with a clinically trained professional. While medication can help provide immediate relief from chemical imbalance, psychotherapy helps patients become aware of the underlying causes of their suffering, and can provide healthy ways of coping with anxiety, depression and other mental disorders. 

Is it time for you to try psychotherapy for mental illness treatment? Call Foundation Psychiatry and start your journey with psychotherapy in Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Tumeh and our experienced professionals will help you find your unique path toward healing from the symptoms of depression, addiction, anxiety and other mental health struggles.


Prescription Medications for Mental Disorders


If you’ve been struggling with mental illness and traditional psychotherapy hasn’t been enough to alleviate your negative symptoms, it may be time to consider introducing medication into your routine. A psychopharmacologist is someone who has been trained and educated in the use of medications to treat mental disorders, and consulting with one can put you on the right track to finding relief. 

As a highly experienced, board-certified psychopharmacologist, Dr. Tumeh at Foundation Psychology has been successfully helping patients address their mental health with therapy and medication for years. He can work one-on-one with you to determine the right prescription to help you feel like yourself.
